homework jungle
Grade Ape is your academic ally in the jungle of student papers.

Teachers often find themselves navigating through thickets of assignments and essays. We also know that every student's work deserves careful attention and precise feedback. Balancing these needs can be challenging, which is why Grade Ape is here to help.

Ensure that every student's effort gets the feedback it deserves.

Grade Ape is designed to assist you by providing reliable grading support. Drawing on state-of-the-art educational methods and intelligent software, Grade Ape meticulously assesses each paper with keen attention to detail.

homework jungle
homework jungle
No more late nights.

Think of the Grade Ape as an eager teaching assistant, tireless and always ready to lend a hand. No more late-night grading sessions or weekends consumed by marking papers. Grade Ape is here to help you streamline your workload, while maintaining the quality and consistency your students expect and deserve.